libmoldeo (Moldeo 1.0 Core)  1.0
libmoldeo es el conjunto de objetos y funciones, que permiten ejecutar las operaciones básicas de la plataforma Moldeo, y que compone su núcleo.
 Todo Clases Namespaces Archivos Funciones Variables 'typedefs' Enumeraciones Valores de enumeraciones Amigas 'defines' Grupos Páginas
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1 // Search script generated by doxygen
2 // Copyright (C) 2009 by Dimitri van Heesch.
4 // The code in this file is loosly based on main.js, part of Natural Docs,
5 // which is Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Greg Valure
6 // Natural Docs is licensed under the GPL.
9 {
10  0: "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~",
11  1: "abcfglmoprstv",
12  2: "o",
13  3: "cmrt",
14  4: "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~",
15  5: "_abcdefghijklmnoprstuvwxyz",
16  6: "acdfgmstv",
17  7: "cghmtv",
18  8: "abcdeghilmnoprstvwxyz",
19  9: "mo",
20  10: "_bdefgilmnopqrstuvw",
21  11: "f",
22  12: "t"
23 };
26 {
27  0: "all",
28  1: "classes",
29  2: "namespaces",
30  3: "files",
31  4: "functions",
32  5: "variables",
33  6: "typedefs",
34  7: "enums",
35  8: "enumvalues",
36  9: "related",
37  10: "defines",
38  11: "groups",
39  12: "pages"
40 };
42 function convertToId(search)
43 {
44  var result = '';
45  for (i=0;i<search.length;i++)
46  {
47  var c = search.charAt(i);
48  var cn = c.charCodeAt(0);
49  if (c.match(/[a-z0-9\u0080-\uFFFF]/))
50  {
51  result+=c;
52  }
53  else if (cn<16)
54  {
55  result+="_0"+cn.toString(16);
56  }
57  else
58  {
59  result+="_"+cn.toString(16);
60  }
61  }
62  return result;
63 }
65 function getXPos(item)
66 {
67  var x = 0;
68  if (item.offsetWidth)
69  {
70  while (item && item!=document.body)
71  {
72  x += item.offsetLeft;
73  item = item.offsetParent;
74  }
75  }
76  return x;
77 }
79 function getYPos(item)
80 {
81  var y = 0;
82  if (item.offsetWidth)
83  {
84  while (item && item!=document.body)
85  {
86  y += item.offsetTop;
87  item = item.offsetParent;
88  }
89  }
90  return y;
91 }
93 /* A class handling everything associated with the search panel.
95  Parameters:
96  name - The name of the global variable that will be
97  storing this instance. Is needed to be able to set timeouts.
98  resultPath - path to use for external files
99 */
100 function SearchBox(name, resultsPath, inFrame, label)
101 {
102  if (!name || !resultsPath) { alert("Missing parameters to SearchBox."); }
104  // ---------- Instance variables
105 = name;
106  this.resultsPath = resultsPath;
107  this.keyTimeout = 0;
108  this.keyTimeoutLength = 500;
109  this.closeSelectionTimeout = 300;
110  this.lastSearchValue = "";
111  this.lastResultsPage = "";
112  this.hideTimeout = 0;
113  this.searchIndex = 0;
114  this.searchActive = false;
115  this.insideFrame = inFrame;
116  this.searchLabel = label;
118  // ----------- DOM Elements
120  this.DOMSearchField = function()
121  { return document.getElementById("MSearchField"); }
123  this.DOMSearchSelect = function()
124  { return document.getElementById("MSearchSelect"); }
126  this.DOMSearchSelectWindow = function()
127  { return document.getElementById("MSearchSelectWindow"); }
129  this.DOMPopupSearchResults = function()
130  { return document.getElementById("MSearchResults"); }
132  this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow = function()
133  { return document.getElementById("MSearchResultsWindow"); }
135  this.DOMSearchClose = function()
136  { return document.getElementById("MSearchClose"); }
138  this.DOMSearchBox = function()
139  { return document.getElementById("MSearchBox"); }
141  // ------------ Event Handlers
143  // Called when focus is added or removed from the search field.
144  this.OnSearchFieldFocus = function(isActive)
145  {
146  this.Activate(isActive);
147  }
149  this.OnSearchSelectShow = function()
150  {
151  var searchSelectWindow = this.DOMSearchSelectWindow();
152  var searchField = this.DOMSearchSelect();
154  if (this.insideFrame)
155  {
156  var left = getXPos(searchField);
157  var top = getYPos(searchField);
158  left += searchField.offsetWidth + 6;
159  top += searchField.offsetHeight;
161  // show search selection popup
163  left -= searchSelectWindow.offsetWidth;
164 = left + 'px';
165 = top + 'px';
166  }
167  else
168  {
169  var left = getXPos(searchField);
170  var top = getYPos(searchField);
171  top += searchField.offsetHeight;
173  // show search selection popup
175 = left + 'px';
176 = top + 'px';
177  }
179  // stop selection hide timer
180  if (this.hideTimeout)
181  {
182  clearTimeout(this.hideTimeout);
183  this.hideTimeout=0;
184  }
185  return false; // to avoid "image drag" default event
186  }
188  this.OnSearchSelectHide = function()
189  {
190  this.hideTimeout = setTimeout( +".CloseSelectionWindow()",
191  this.closeSelectionTimeout);
192  }
194  // Called when the content of the search field is changed.
195  this.OnSearchFieldChange = function(evt)
196  {
197  if (this.keyTimeout) // kill running timer
198  {
199  clearTimeout(this.keyTimeout);
200  this.keyTimeout = 0;
201  }
203  var e = (evt) ? evt : window.event; // for IE
204  if (e.keyCode==40 || e.keyCode==13)
205  {
206  if (e.shiftKey==1)
207  {
208  this.OnSearchSelectShow();
209  var win=this.DOMSearchSelectWindow();
210  for (i=0;i<win.childNodes.length;i++)
211  {
212  var child = win.childNodes[i]; // get span within a
213  if (child.className=='SelectItem')
214  {
215  child.focus();
216  return;
217  }
218  }
219  return;
220  }
221  else if (window.frames.MSearchResults.searchResults)
222  {
223  var elem = window.frames.MSearchResults.searchResults.NavNext(0);
224  if (elem) elem.focus();
225  }
226  }
227  else if (e.keyCode==27) // Escape out of the search field
228  {
229  this.DOMSearchField().blur();
230  this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display = 'none';
231  this.DOMSearchClose().style.display = 'none';
232  this.lastSearchValue = '';
233  this.Activate(false);
234  return;
235  }
237  // strip whitespaces
238  var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/ +/g, "");
240  if (searchValue != this.lastSearchValue) // search value has changed
241  {
242  if (searchValue != "") // non-empty search
243  {
244  // set timer for search update
245  this.keyTimeout = setTimeout( + '.Search()',
246  this.keyTimeoutLength);
247  }
248  else // empty search field
249  {
250  this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display = 'none';
251  this.DOMSearchClose().style.display = 'none';
252  this.lastSearchValue = '';
253  }
254  }
255  }
257  this.SelectItemCount = function(id)
258  {
259  var count=0;
260  var win=this.DOMSearchSelectWindow();
261  for (i=0;i<win.childNodes.length;i++)
262  {
263  var child = win.childNodes[i]; // get span within a
264  if (child.className=='SelectItem')
265  {
266  count++;
267  }
268  }
269  return count;
270  }
272  this.SelectItemSet = function(id)
273  {
274  var i,j=0;
275  var win=this.DOMSearchSelectWindow();
276  for (i=0;i<win.childNodes.length;i++)
277  {
278  var child = win.childNodes[i]; // get span within a
279  if (child.className=='SelectItem')
280  {
281  var node = child.firstChild;
282  if (j==id)
283  {
284  node.innerHTML='&#8226;';
285  }
286  else
287  {
288  node.innerHTML='&#160;';
289  }
290  j++;
291  }
292  }
293  }
295  // Called when an search filter selection is made.
296  // set item with index id as the active item
297  this.OnSelectItem = function(id)
298  {
299  this.searchIndex = id;
300  this.SelectItemSet(id);
301  var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/ +/g, "");
302  if (searchValue!="" && this.searchActive) // something was found -> do a search
303  {
304  this.Search();
305  }
306  }
308  this.OnSearchSelectKey = function(evt)
309  {
310  var e = (evt) ? evt : window.event; // for IE
311  if (e.keyCode==40 && this.searchIndex<this.SelectItemCount()) // Down
312  {
313  this.searchIndex++;
314  this.OnSelectItem(this.searchIndex);
315  }
316  else if (e.keyCode==38 && this.searchIndex>0) // Up
317  {
318  this.searchIndex--;
319  this.OnSelectItem(this.searchIndex);
320  }
321  else if (e.keyCode==13 || e.keyCode==27)
322  {
323  this.OnSelectItem(this.searchIndex);
324  this.CloseSelectionWindow();
325  this.DOMSearchField().focus();
326  }
327  return false;
328  }
330  // --------- Actions
332  // Closes the results window.
333  this.CloseResultsWindow = function()
334  {
335  this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display = 'none';
336  this.DOMSearchClose().style.display = 'none';
337  this.Activate(false);
338  }
340  this.CloseSelectionWindow = function()
341  {
342  this.DOMSearchSelectWindow().style.display = 'none';
343  }
345  // Performs a search.
346  this.Search = function()
347  {
348  this.keyTimeout = 0;
350  // strip leading whitespace
351  var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/^ +/, "");
353  var code = searchValue.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0);
354  var idxChar = searchValue.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase();
355  if ( 0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF && searchValue > 1) // surrogate pair
356  {
357  idxChar = searchValue.substr(0, 2);
358  }
360  var resultsPage;
361  var resultsPageWithSearch;
362  var hasResultsPage;
364  var idx = indexSectionsWithContent[this.searchIndex].indexOf(idxChar);
365  if (idx!=-1)
366  {
367  var hexCode=idx.toString(16);
368  resultsPage = this.resultsPath + '/' + indexSectionNames[this.searchIndex] + '_' + hexCode + '.html';
369  resultsPageWithSearch = resultsPage+'?'+escape(searchValue);
370  hasResultsPage = true;
371  }
372  else // nothing available for this search term
373  {
374  resultsPage = this.resultsPath + '/nomatches.html';
375  resultsPageWithSearch = resultsPage;
376  hasResultsPage = false;
377  }
379  window.frames.MSearchResults.location = resultsPageWithSearch;
380  var domPopupSearchResultsWindow = this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow();
382  if (!='block')
383  {
384  var domSearchBox = this.DOMSearchBox();
385  this.DOMSearchClose().style.display = 'inline';
386  if (this.insideFrame)
387  {
388  var domPopupSearchResults = this.DOMPopupSearchResults();
389 = 'relative';
390 = 'block';
391  var width = document.body.clientWidth - 8; // the -8 is for IE :-(
392 = width + 'px';
393 = width + 'px';
394  }
395  else
396  {
397  var domPopupSearchResults = this.DOMPopupSearchResults();
398  var left = getXPos(domSearchBox) + 150; // domSearchBox.offsetWidth;
399  var top = getYPos(domSearchBox) + 20; // domSearchBox.offsetHeight + 1;
400 = 'block';
401  left -= domPopupSearchResults.offsetWidth;
402 = top + 'px';
403 = left + 'px';
404  }
405  }
407  this.lastSearchValue = searchValue;
408  this.lastResultsPage = resultsPage;
409  }
411  // -------- Activation Functions
413  // Activates or deactivates the search panel, resetting things to
414  // their default values if necessary.
415  this.Activate = function(isActive)
416  {
417  if (isActive || // open it
418  this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display == 'block'
419  )
420  {
421  this.DOMSearchBox().className = 'MSearchBoxActive';
423  var searchField = this.DOMSearchField();
425  if (searchField.value == this.searchLabel) // clear "Search" term upon entry
426  {
427  searchField.value = '';
428  this.searchActive = true;
429  }
430  }
431  else if (!isActive) // directly remove the panel
432  {
433  this.DOMSearchBox().className = 'MSearchBoxInactive';
434  this.DOMSearchField().value = this.searchLabel;
435  this.searchActive = false;
436  this.lastSearchValue = ''
437  this.lastResultsPage = '';
438  }
439  }
440 }
442 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
444 // The class that handles everything on the search results page.
445 function SearchResults(name)
446 {
447  // The number of matches from the last run of <Search()>.
448  this.lastMatchCount = 0;
449  this.lastKey = 0;
450  this.repeatOn = false;
452  // Toggles the visibility of the passed element ID.
453  this.FindChildElement = function(id)
454  {
455  var parentElement = document.getElementById(id);
456  var element = parentElement.firstChild;
458  while (element && element!=parentElement)
459  {
460  if (element.nodeName == 'DIV' && element.className == 'SRChildren')
461  {
462  return element;
463  }
465  if (element.nodeName == 'DIV' && element.hasChildNodes())
466  {
467  element = element.firstChild;
468  }
469  else if (element.nextSibling)
470  {
471  element = element.nextSibling;
472  }
473  else
474  {
475  do
476  {
477  element = element.parentNode;
478  }
479  while (element && element!=parentElement && !element.nextSibling);
481  if (element && element!=parentElement)
482  {
483  element = element.nextSibling;
484  }
485  }
486  }
487  }
489  this.Toggle = function(id)
490  {
491  var element = this.FindChildElement(id);
492  if (element)
493  {
494  if ( == 'block')
495  {
496 = 'none';
497  }
498  else
499  {
500 = 'block';
501  }
502  }
503  }
505  // Searches for the passed string. If there is no parameter,
506  // it takes it from the URL query.
507  //
508  // Always returns true, since other documents may try to call it
509  // and that may or may not be possible.
510  this.Search = function(search)
511  {
512  if (!search) // get search word from URL
513  {
514  search =;
515  search = search.substring(1); // Remove the leading '?'
516  search = unescape(search);
517  }
519  search = search.replace(/^ +/, ""); // strip leading spaces
520  search = search.replace(/ +$/, ""); // strip trailing spaces
521  search = search.toLowerCase();
522  search = convertToId(search);
524  var resultRows = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
525  var matches = 0;
527  var i = 0;
528  while (i < resultRows.length)
529  {
530  var row = resultRows.item(i);
531  if (row.className == "SRResult")
532  {
533  var rowMatchName =;
534  rowMatchName = rowMatchName.replace(/^sr\d*_/, ''); // strip 'sr123_'
536  if (search.length<=rowMatchName.length &&
537  rowMatchName.substr(0, search.length)==search)
538  {
539 = 'block';
540  matches++;
541  }
542  else
543  {
544 = 'none';
545  }
546  }
547  i++;
548  }
549  document.getElementById("Searching").style.display='none';
550  if (matches == 0) // no results
551  {
552  document.getElementById("NoMatches").style.display='block';
553  }
554  else // at least one result
555  {
556  document.getElementById("NoMatches").style.display='none';
557  }
558  this.lastMatchCount = matches;
559  return true;
560  }
562  // return the first item with index index or higher that is visible
563  this.NavNext = function(index)
564  {
565  var focusItem;
566  while (1)
567  {
568  var focusName = 'Item'+index;
569  focusItem = document.getElementById(focusName);
570  if (focusItem &&'block')
571  {
572  break;
573  }
574  else if (!focusItem) // last element
575  {
576  break;
577  }
578  focusItem=null;
579  index++;
580  }
581  return focusItem;
582  }
584  this.NavPrev = function(index)
585  {
586  var focusItem;
587  while (1)
588  {
589  var focusName = 'Item'+index;
590  focusItem = document.getElementById(focusName);
591  if (focusItem &&'block')
592  {
593  break;
594  }
595  else if (!focusItem) // last element
596  {
597  break;
598  }
599  focusItem=null;
600  index--;
601  }
602  return focusItem;
603  }
605  this.ProcessKeys = function(e)
606  {
607  if (e.type == "keydown")
608  {
609  this.repeatOn = false;
610  this.lastKey = e.keyCode;
611  }
612  else if (e.type == "keypress")
613  {
614  if (!this.repeatOn)
615  {
616  if (this.lastKey) this.repeatOn = true;
617  return false; // ignore first keypress after keydown
618  }
619  }
620  else if (e.type == "keyup")
621  {
622  this.lastKey = 0;
623  this.repeatOn = false;
624  }
625  return this.lastKey!=0;
626  }
628  this.Nav = function(evt,itemIndex)
629  {
630  var e = (evt) ? evt : window.event; // for IE
631  if (e.keyCode==13) return true;
632  if (!this.ProcessKeys(e)) return false;
634  if (this.lastKey==38) // Up
635  {
636  var newIndex = itemIndex-1;
637  var focusItem = this.NavPrev(newIndex);
638  if (focusItem)
639  {
640  var child = this.FindChildElement(;
641  if (child && == 'block') // children visible
642  {
643  var n=0;
644  var tmpElem;
645  while (1) // search for last child
646  {
647  tmpElem = document.getElementById('Item'+newIndex+'_c'+n);
648  if (tmpElem)
649  {
650  focusItem = tmpElem;
651  }
652  else // found it!
653  {
654  break;
655  }
656  n++;
657  }
658  }
659  }
660  if (focusItem)
661  {
662  focusItem.focus();
663  }
664  else // return focus to search field
665  {
666  parent.document.getElementById("MSearchField").focus();
667  }
668  }
669  else if (this.lastKey==40) // Down
670  {
671  var newIndex = itemIndex+1;
672  var focusItem;
673  var item = document.getElementById('Item'+itemIndex);
674  var elem = this.FindChildElement(;
675  if (elem && == 'block') // children visible
676  {
677  focusItem = document.getElementById('Item'+itemIndex+'_c0');
678  }
679  if (!focusItem) focusItem = this.NavNext(newIndex);
680  if (focusItem) focusItem.focus();
681  }
682  else if (this.lastKey==39) // Right
683  {
684  var item = document.getElementById('Item'+itemIndex);
685  var elem = this.FindChildElement(;
686  if (elem) = 'block';
687  }
688  else if (this.lastKey==37) // Left
689  {
690  var item = document.getElementById('Item'+itemIndex);
691  var elem = this.FindChildElement(;
692  if (elem) = 'none';
693  }
694  else if (this.lastKey==27) // Escape
695  {
696  parent.searchBox.CloseResultsWindow();
697  parent.document.getElementById("MSearchField").focus();
698  }
699  else if (this.lastKey==13) // Enter
700  {
701  return true;
702  }
703  return false;
704  }
706  this.NavChild = function(evt,itemIndex,childIndex)
707  {
708  var e = (evt) ? evt : window.event; // for IE
709  if (e.keyCode==13) return true;
710  if (!this.ProcessKeys(e)) return false;
712  if (this.lastKey==38) // Up
713  {
714  if (childIndex>0)
715  {
716  var newIndex = childIndex-1;
717  document.getElementById('Item'+itemIndex+'_c'+newIndex).focus();
718  }
719  else // already at first child, jump to parent
720  {
721  document.getElementById('Item'+itemIndex).focus();
722  }
723  }
724  else if (this.lastKey==40) // Down
725  {
726  var newIndex = childIndex+1;
727  var elem = document.getElementById('Item'+itemIndex+'_c'+newIndex);
728  if (!elem) // last child, jump to parent next parent
729  {
730  elem = this.NavNext(itemIndex+1);
731  }
732  if (elem)
733  {
734  elem.focus();
735  }
736  }
737  else if (this.lastKey==27) // Escape
738  {
739  parent.searchBox.CloseResultsWindow();
740  parent.document.getElementById("MSearchField").focus();
741  }
742  else if (this.lastKey==13) // Enter
743  {
744  return true;
745  }
746  return false;
747  }
748 }
750 function setKeyActions(elem,action)
751 {
752  elem.setAttribute('onkeydown',action);
753  elem.setAttribute('onkeypress',action);
754  elem.setAttribute('onkeyup',action);
755 }
757 function setClassAttr(elem,attr)
758 {
759  elem.setAttribute('class',attr);
760  elem.setAttribute('className',attr);
761 }
763 function createResults()
764 {
765  var results = document.getElementById("SRResults");
766  for (var e=0; e<searchData.length; e++)
767  {
768  var id = searchData[e][0];
769  var srResult = document.createElement('div');
770  srResult.setAttribute('id','SR_'+id);
771  setClassAttr(srResult,'SRResult');
772  var srEntry = document.createElement('div');
773  setClassAttr(srEntry,'SREntry');
774  var srLink = document.createElement('a');
775  srLink.setAttribute('id','Item'+e);
776  setKeyActions(srLink,'return searchResults.Nav(event,'+e+')');
777  setClassAttr(srLink,'SRSymbol');
778  srLink.innerHTML = searchData[e][1][0];
779  srEntry.appendChild(srLink);
780  if (searchData[e][1].length==2) // single result
781  {
782  srLink.setAttribute('href',searchData[e][1][1][0]);
783  if (searchData[e][1][1][1])
784  {
785  srLink.setAttribute('target','_parent');
786  }
787  var srScope = document.createElement('span');
788  setClassAttr(srScope,'SRScope');
789  srScope.innerHTML = searchData[e][1][1][2];
790  srEntry.appendChild(srScope);
791  }
792  else // multiple results
793  {
794  srLink.setAttribute('href','javascript:searchResults.Toggle("SR_'+id+'")');
795  var srChildren = document.createElement('div');
796  setClassAttr(srChildren,'SRChildren');
797  for (var c=0; c<searchData[e][1].length-1; c++)
798  {
799  var srChild = document.createElement('a');
800  srChild.setAttribute('id','Item'+e+'_c'+c);
801  setKeyActions(srChild,'return searchResults.NavChild(event,'+e+','+c+')');
802  setClassAttr(srChild,'SRScope');
803  srChild.setAttribute('href',searchData[e][1][c+1][0]);
804  if (searchData[e][1][c+1][1])
805  {
806  srChild.setAttribute('target','_parent');
807  }
808  srChild.innerHTML = searchData[e][1][c+1][2];
809  srChildren.appendChild(srChild);
810  }
811  srEntry.appendChild(srChildren);
812  }
813  srResult.appendChild(srEntry);
814  results.appendChild(srResult);
815  }
816 }
var indexSectionsWithContent
Definition: search.js:8
Definition: jquery.js:71
var c
Definition: jquery.js:29
function getXPos(item)
Definition: search.js:65
function createResults()
Definition: search.js:763
function a
Definition: jquery.js:41
function x(bx)
Definition: jquery.js:30
var indexSectionNames
Definition: search.js:25
function setKeyActions(elem, action)
Definition: search.js:750
function SearchResults(name)
Definition: search.js:445
var searchData
Definition: all_0.js:1
Definition: jquery.js:28
moTypes MOint moText moParamIndex moParamReference int iRow int int i int i
Definition: all_f.js:18
Definition: jquery.js:31
function e
Definition: jquery.js:71
function d
Definition: jquery.js:41
function getYPos(item)
Definition: search.js:79
function SearchBox(name, resultsPath, inFrame, label)
Definition: search.js:100
function setClassAttr(elem, attr)
Definition: search.js:757
function convertToId(search)
Definition: search.js:42